Request to Speak on a Bill at the Arizona Legislature

How to get logged in and comment on a proposed Bill – [You don’t have to actually speak at committee hearings or in front of the Legislature – Just let them know what your opinions are through the RTS “thumbs up/thumbs down” online application.]

You will need to preregister in person at a Kiosk at the Phoenix Capitol building prior to using your login to make comments online.

If you cannot travel to one of these locations to register, you may contact the Santa Cruz County Republican Committee Officers to get assistance with this process. [See other options below]

From our experience and speaking with legislators directly, it is obvious that PACs and other groups are abusing this system to flood it with mass responses. I have witnessed lobbyists loading login after login to saturate the system with special interest group member names to manipulate a bill’s statistics, pros and cons.

It is imperative that We the People use our voice in any way we can to support our opinions and protect our 1st amendment rights. Your voice: use it or lose it.

Our legislators are savvy to the games of lobbyists and PACs. What they need now is to hear from YOU! Their staff are trusted and competent associates who can relay your message clearly and concisely. Please use them for that purpose.

This information will be required during initial sign-up (pre-registration) at the Phoenix or Tucson State offices. Please call the SCCRC contacts listed on the Reference page on this website if you would like assistance with this initial registration step. You can also get assistance by visiting the website. Please sign up for these two items:

Come on people – We have a country to save!