“Gerryworks4u” is an appropriate title for this Supervisor campaign in District 2 because you will see Gerry in his office during the posted office hours. You will see him making calls, conducting research, holding meetings, and welcoming walk-ins.
The law requires the Supervisor’s office to remain open 40 hours weekly. Like any other working office, you would assume the Supervisor would be present and available during those hours. If no one calls or drops by the office with issues, it is NOT time to take a break. It is time to reach out to the community and ask probing and investigative questions that will expose festering issues and bring forth insightful solutions to improve the county.

Gerry believes that whatever task he has to accomplish, he gives it his all so that you will receive an informed and well-researched answer to any questions you may have. He believes that Government is there to protect our rights, not take them away. Gerry will encourage you to exercise your rights.
We should always hire the most qualified person for the job through a competitive process. The Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that tax valuations are fair for everyone. Gerry is bi-lingual and can speak, read and write Spanish fluently. He can communicate and relate to all citizens in District 2. He will keep you informed.
Gerry’s Experience
Gerry began his career in 1972 in the U.S. Marine Corps after finishing Military Police school. His first duty station was Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He was transferred to MCAS El Toro for Presidential Security/Military Police duties. He attained the rank of Sergeant. He was honorably discharged and moved to Arizona in 1978. He graduated from Central Arizona Law Enforcement Training Academy. He was hired by Coolidge Police Department, where he became a triple-trained Officer, Police/Firefighter, and EMT on the City Ambulance. Gerry received a lifesaving award and went to Arson Investigation School.

In 1980, he was hired by the Arizona Department of Public Safety. While there, he received numerous awards, 5 Director’s Unit Citations, and the DPS Officer of the Year Award, and was assigned as a Patrolman in Gila Bend.
He transferred to Nogales in 1984 as a Border Liaison Officer, where he recovered stolen vehicles and aircraft.
In 2007 he was transferred to Gang Intelligence, where he retired in 2010. He was one of the 5 Officers who founded PISA, Policia International Sonora Arizona and became its Director and President. He has an Associate’s Degree from Saddleback Community College. He has attended numerous law enforcement schools, including Police Instructor School, Criminal Investigations, Auto Theft Investigation, Commercial Vehicle Safety Investigation School/Instructor, Terrorism Liaison Investigation School, and Cross Trained in Immigration & Naturalization Service. Gerry served as an Instructor for the FBI in auto theft investigation matters and was an Instructor for the Department of Justice in Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.
Civic Participation
Gerry has always been involved with his community as a Scout Master, Little League President/ Coach, and Umpire. After retirement, he has been involved with his Church in various community services. Gerry has been married to his wife, Blanca, for over 50 years. They have three children and six grandchildren.

Gerry Navarro requests your support in the upcoming Santa Cruz County District 2 Supervisor’s election. You only need to pick up the local Nogales International newspaper to see the County’s unprofessional and questionable management style.
Gerry knows the citizens deserve better and sees the potential simmering beneath the surface. It’s time to release that power of the people and get Santa Cruz County operating at full steam again.
With your DONATION today, Gerry can forge ahead to reach more families, business owners, and community service providers. Be a part of something big (and excellent) for Santa Cruz County.
Personal donations fund this Campaign. Please go to GERRYWORKS4U to donate directly to Gerry Navarro’s campaign. CONTACT GERRY NAVARRO AT GNAVARROAZGOP@GMAIL.COM