We’re working hard on Arizona Election Integrity Issues—just one of many issues in Arizona and Santa Cruz County. Politics are local. Build a strong foundation, and the rest is solid.

Without your support, our efforts are greatly diminished. Through education and information, our mission is to lift citizens to more excellent opportunities, happier and healthier lives, and security of their freedoms and liberties. We aim to recruit morally strong and ethical candidates for County and District positions. Without these candidates, you will not be fully represented in the manner you deserve.

As we enter a new election cycle, we are actively recruiting conservative candidates who will not shirk from their duties or compromise conservative values, ethics, and morals. From K-12 education and taxes to administrative overreach and crime, the SCCRC is taking on issues affecting your life, livelihood, and safety in Santa Cruz County. But we can’t do it alone.

Voter Registration drives and Voter Education are necessary to increase our conservative voter base. Redistricting has changed our boundaries but will not change our unwavering resolve to repel the threats of Marxist liberalism against our Constitutional Republic of States.

We need your help. If you cannot donate your time, please consider donating any amount to help us continue our work.

With your assistance, SCCRC can reach out to all citizens of Santa Cruz County and our Legislative and Congressional districts. We will build a strong community where free enterprise, religious freedom, and quality education thrive. Arizona will be successful and robust against aggressors who threaten our Constitution and American Culture.

Join us today. We’ve got a Country to save!

Donate to your local Santa Cruz County Republican Committee.